Foster Friend Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 Public Charity. We bring awareness to abuse and cyberbullying. We find ways to prevent abuse and cyberbullying through education, research, tutoring, training, supporting community services, and fostering friendships that improve our community.
Intimate partner violence has increased among women and adolescents. Almost 87% of female victims and 60% of male victims reported at least one violence-related impact related to intimate partner violence such as injury, PTSD symptoms, concern for safety, fear, needing help from law enforcement, and missing at least one day of work. Fos
Intimate partner violence has increased among women and adolescents. Almost 87% of female victims and 60% of male victims reported at least one violence-related impact related to intimate partner violence such as injury, PTSD symptoms, concern for safety, fear, needing help from law enforcement, and missing at least one day of work. Foster Friend Foundation continues to educate adults about identifying abuse.
The most common form of violence experienced by young adults is bullying. Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. More than 1 in 6 high school students reported being bullied electronically in
The most common form of violence experienced by young adults is bullying. Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. More than 1 in 6 high school students reported being bullied electronically in 2021. The World Health Organization (WHO) strongly recommends that healthcare providers consider that certain interventions can prevent future harm. Foster Friend Foundation has fostered relationships with organizations targeting young people to educate youth about various forms of abuse.
The global population of people aged 60 and older will more than double in less than 25 years. Emerging evidence indicates that the prevalence of abuse of older people in both the community and in institutions have increased. The World Health Organization (WHO) showed that rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as n
The global population of people aged 60 and older will more than double in less than 25 years. Emerging evidence indicates that the prevalence of abuse of older people in both the community and in institutions have increased. The World Health Organization (WHO) showed that rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, with 2 in 3 staff reporting that they have committed abuse in the past year. Foster Friend Foundation is committed to educating facilities about these prevalent issues with the goal of prevention.
The Center for Disease Control found that
youth who use high-risk drugs are more likely to also engage in risky sexual behaviors, experience violence, such as physical and sexual dating violence, and being bullied, threatened, or injured, and be at greater risk for mental health problems and suicide. Foster Friend Foundation's strategic
The Center for Disease Control found that
youth who use high-risk drugs are more likely to also engage in risky sexual behaviors, experience violence, such as physical and sexual dating violence, and being bullied, threatened, or injured, and be at greater risk for mental health problems and suicide. Foster Friend Foundation's strategic goal is to stop abuse and prevent its devastating mental health outcomes by bringing awareness to abuse.
We Bring Awareness to Abuse.
Because abuse can cause persistent psychological, emotional, and physical damage that impact our community.
Foster Friend Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 Public Charity. We bring awareness to abuse and cyberbullying. We find ways to prevent abuse and cyberbullying through education, research, tutoring, training, and supporting community services based on the 'Five Principles' of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice while fostering friendships with various organizations to improve our community.
Because we understand.
"Once a teacher, always a teacher."
Since 2008, our founder, Alexia Knox, has worked as an educator and has been an advocate for social programs that support low-income communities. She founded Foster Friend Foundation to bring awareness to abuse, elder abuse, child abuse, and cyberbullying.
In 2015, Foster Friend Foundation began tutoring youth and created print communications about child abuse that were distributed to nonprofit organizations, foster care agencies, child care centers, adult day cares, and faith-based organizations nationwide.
Today, Foster Friend Foundation continues to bring awareness to abuse through our various programs.
Our vision is to provide educational resources and training to bring awareness to abuse to prevent abuse, globally. We foster meaningful partnerships with content creators, small businesses, and corporations to bring awareness to various forms of abuse, including elder abuse, domestic violence, police violence, child abuse, and femicide.
Mental health experts believe that abuse can be prevented.
So we are spreading the word about abuse to prevent it.
Foster Friend Foundation's strategic goal is to stop abuse and prevent cyberbullying and its devastating mental health outcomes.
We use 3 PREVENTION STRATEGIES to bring awareness to and prevent abuse:
EDUCATION: Our educational resources track crime, population, and public health data related to abuse, cyberbullying, and other forms of abuse.
TRAINING: Awareness Training helps to identify abuse and establishes measurable goals to prevent abuse while collaborating with organizations.
SUPPORT: We provide direct support to some victims of abuse and perpetrators to achieve our goal of bringing awareness to abuse and prevention.
Foster Friend Foundation's mission and vision are based on Jesus' 'Five Principles' consisting of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice and your generous tax-deductible donation will help us achieve our mission.
We accept credit cards, debit cards, check, money order, PayPal, and other charitable contributions. For more information.
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God bless you!
-Foster Friend Foundation Board
Formerly Foster Friend Ministries. Copyright © 2024 Foster Friend Foundation. P.O. Box 91255. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209. All Rights Reserved.